Publikuar: Tet 14 2015 07:57

Amerikane me aftesi the shekqelyer kerkon pune

Publikuar: Tet 14 07:57
Shikime: 5
Tungjatjeta, jam Amerikane e cila jam vendosur ne Prishtine, Kosovo, dhe po kerkoja pune sa me shpejt. Jam duke kerkuar mundesine te zgjeroj diturin time, te mesoj dhe fitoj eksperience. Kam pasur disa vende pune me pare, dhe tani po kerkoja nje pun e cila me lejon te vazhdoj te zhvilloj veten ne menyr profesjonale. Kam aftesi the shkelqyera te komunikimit, dhe punoj mir ne grupe me te tjeret ,ne ambiente te ndryshme. Po ashtu aftersia ime e udheheqjes lejon koleget per rreth te bashkpunojn me lehtesi. Kualiteti im i punes eshte i shkeqlyer, dhe ne rast se te me jepet mundesia te punoj per ju, do te shihet kontribimi im. Ju lutem thirreni pa hezitime apo dergoni email per me shum informata apo CV. Po ashtu nuk flas Shqip. Faleminderit per konsiderat. Viber: +38649266422.

Hi! I'm an American woman who recently relocated to Pristina, Kosovo and I'm hoping to be employed very soon. I am seeking an opportunity to expand my current knowledge and to gain valuable new experience. I have held several entry level positions and am currently seeking a job that will give me opportunities for further personal growth. I have strong communication skills, and my ability to work with others makes me a valuable resource in the workplace. My leadership skills help everyone around me, and my commitment to excellence is reflected in the high quality of my work. I will work hard for the opportunity at advancement, and if I get a chance I will make a valuable contribution to your company. Please do not hesitate to call or email me for more information. I can also send my CV. Also, I do not speak Albanian. Thank you for your consideration. Viber: +38649266422.
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