Publikuar: Maj 19 2024 06:01

CD lojera per Playstation 4 dhe PS5 Transporti Gratis


Publikuar: Maj 19 06:01
Shikime: 8
shiten CD lojera per Sony Playstation 4 qe bojn edhe per Playstation 5 ne gjendje krejtesisht te rregullt te reja dhe te perdoruna me qmime te volitshme..

1. GTA 5 Premium Edition ( e re ) = 30€
2. Far Cry 4 = 17€
3. Injustice = 12€
4. Call of Duty Infinite Warfare = 17€
5. Anthem ( e re ) = 6€
6. Just Cause 2 = 13€
8. Naruto 4 = 20€
9. Battlefield 1 = 16€
10. Bernaut Paradise = 17€
11. Blood & Truth = 10€
12. Crash Team Racing = 20€
13. Until Dawn = 10€
14. Fifa 17 = 10€
15. Call of Duty WWll = 20€
16. Rocket League = 9€
17. Destiny 2 = 5€
18. Destiny Renegats 2 = 5€
19. Dragon Ball Xenowerse 1 = 15€
20. The Witcher 3 = 13€
21. Fifa 16 = 8€
22. Zoombie Army = 15€
23. Fifa 19 = 15€
24. Need for Speed Rivals = 17€
25. Fifa FC 24 ( PS4 e re ) = 60€
26. Thieft = 10€
27. Call of Duty Adwanced warfare = 17€
28. Gran Turismo Sport = 20€
29. Just Dance 2018 = 5€
30. Just Dance 2019 = 5€
31. Just Dance 2020 = 6€
32. Lego Super Heroes 2 = 20€
33. Horizon Zero Dawn = 15€
34. Lego Worlds = 20€
35. Rage 2 = 12€
36. Mafia 3 = 20€
37. Metal Gear Solid V = 14€
38. Bloodborne = 13€
39. Madden 19 = 5€
40. Madden 20 = 5€
41. Fifa 18 = 12€
42. The Team Divizion = 9€
43. Playstation VR Words = 7€
44. Far Cry New Dawn = 17€
45. Battlefield 4 = 15€
46. Fifa 21 = 20€
47. Watch Dogs = 13€
48. Call of Duty Advanced Warfare = 17€
49. The Divizion 2 = 10€
50. Battlefield 2042 = 20€
51. Ratchet & Clank ( e re ) = 20€
52. Ratchel & Clank = 15€
53. Saint Row = 10€
54. Tannenberg WWl = 10€
55. This is the Police = 14€
56. The Last of US Remastered ( e re ) = 20€
57. Fifa FC 24 PS5 = 60€
58. Thief = 10€
59. The Evil Within = 14€
60. The Crew 2 ( e re ) = 30€
61. Uncharted Collection 3 loja ne 1 CD ( e re ) = 20€
62. Call of Duty Cold War = 30€
63. Minecraft = 30€
64. Rainbows Six Siege = 10€
65. NBA 2K17= 13€
66. Homefront the Revolution = 15€
67. Fifa 15 = 7€
68. Verdun Western Front WWl = 14€
69. Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate Edition ( e re ) = 35€
70. Giana Sisters Twisteddreams director's Cut = 10€
71. Rise of The Tomb Raider = 15€
72. Tomb Raider Definitive Edition = 15€
73. Shadow of The Tomb Raider = 16€
74. Insurgency Sandstory = 14€
75. Metro Redux = 10€
76. Red Faction Querrilla = 15€
77. Uncharted 4 = 20€
78. WipEout Omega Collection = 9€
79. Jagged Alliance Rage = 8€
80. Strange Brigade = 15€
81. Final Fantazy XV = 10€
82. Fifa 15 = 7€
83. Death Stranding = 15€
84. Battlefield Hardline = 17€
85. NBA 2K16 = 10€
86. Deastiny = 5€
87. Fifa 22 = 25€

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