Publikuar: Gush 03 2016 02:53

Shtëpi me qira - House for rent

Publikuar: Gush 03 02:53
Shikime: 19
Lëshohet shtëpia prej 250 m2 dhe oborr prej 4 ari me qira e cila posedon 3 dhoma gjumi, si dhe sallonin e madh dhe kuzhinen, 2 ballkona - terasa te medhaja, dy banjo( me xhakuzi) nje shpajz( depo), garazhen per veture me hyrje direkt ne shtepi. Shtëpia është extra e mobiluar dhe me te gjitha pasijet e mundshme dhe te reja e te pa perdoruara, me Tv LCD, internet, xhakuzi, mobile te reja,me ngrohje qendrore dhe eshte shume shume funksionale dhe shume moderne dhe e cila gjithashtu eshte e mobiluar me shume shije.
Shtepia gjendet ne Fshatin Kçiq te Madh- 10 KM nga qyteti i Mitrovicës dhe rruga deri ne shtepi eshte shume mire e rregulluar, me nje fjale shtepia i ploteson te gjitha kushtet e mundshme per banim shume komod.
Shtepia leshohet vetem per nderkombetar.
Shtepia ipet per kohe me te gjate(nuk leshohet per kohe te shkurt dhe pushime 1muaj etj)
Faleminderit per mirkuptim

Issued house of 250 m2 and the courtyard of 400m2 lease which owns 3 bedrooms, as well as the large lounge and kitchen, 2 balconies - terraces to large, two bathrooms (with jacuzzi) a Storage (warehouse), garage for car with direct access at home. The house is extra furnished and with all kits available potential and new and non used, with LCD TV, internet, jacuzzi, new furniture, central heating and is much more functional and more modern, which also is furnished more flavor.
It is in the Kçiq i Madh-village 10 KM from the city of Mitrovica and the road to home is very well regulated, and therefore the house meets all the possible conditions for living more comfortable.
House issued only for international.
Home awarded for the longest time (not registered for February and vacation time 1 month, etc.)
Thank you for understanding

Te interesuarit te kontaktoj ne / Interested should contact us in cell;

CEL: 044/102-972
Viber: +38649 196 477
Viber: +4917668055966
nëse kjo shpallje prish Rregullat e Publikimit ose Tregti e sigurtë


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