Publikuar: Gush 23 2023 04:48

Objekti jepet me qera per biznes

Publikuar: Gush 23 04:48
Shikime: 53

394 m2
Ne bodrum ka kuzhine, depo, wc,oborr te pasem dhe hapsire per instalime.
Ne perdhese ka lokal afro 60m2, nje garazhe per 1 veture kupe.
Kati 1 konsiston nga 2 dhoma, 1 banjo dhe 1 dhome me te madhe (qendrim ditor me kuzhine). Si dhe dy ballkone
Kati 2 ka 2 dhoma, 1 banjo dhe 1 ballkon.
Te dy katet posedojne klime dhe objekti ngrohet me ngrohje qendrore me pelet. Po ashtu ka sistem solar per ngrohje te ujit.
Objekti eshte ndertuar gjate viteve 2002-2004. Ka çasje te lehte ne çdo pjese te qytetit dhe ka afer spitalin rajonal, universitetin (distane=ce 10 minuta ecje), qendren e qytetit (distance 7 minuta ecje), si dhe male, prandaj ka edhe kualitet te mire te ajrit dhe qetesi te mjaftueshme.
Ka hapsire per parkim per 3 vetura ne pjesen e perparme.
Objekti jepet me qera per biznes dhe banim!
Qeraja sipas marreveshjes.

394 m2 4 stories
In the basement, there is a kitchen, a storage area , a toilet, a back yard and installations part.
On the ground floor there is a 60m2 store, a garage for 1 coupe car.
The 1st floor consists of 2 rooms, 1 bathroom and 1 larger room (living room with kitchen). As well as two balconies.
The 2nd floor has 2 rooms, 1 bathroom and 1 balcony.
Both floors have air conditioning and the facility is heated with pellet central heating. It also has a solar water heating system.
The object was built during the years 2002-2004. It has easy access to every part of the city and is close to the regional hospital, the university(10 minutes walking distance), the city center (7 minutes walking distance), as well as the mountains, so it has good air quality and enough peace.
There is parking space for 3 cars in the front.
The facility is for rent for business and residence!
Rent according to the agreement.
nëse kjo shpallje prish Rregullat e Publikimit ose Tregti e sigurtë


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